Yiziphi izicaciso nobukhulu bemeshi yesikrini esidlidlizayo?
Imeshi yesikrini esidlidlizayo iyisici sesakhiwo semeshi yensimbi. Isakhiwo sayo sokweluka ngokuvamile sigoba ngaphambili sibe yifomu likathayela ngokugobisa ucingo lwensimbi, ukuze amagobi amabili abambelele endaweni efanayo ukuze kuqinisekiswe ubukhulu bemeshi. Lesi sakhiwo senza inetha lesikrini esidlidlizayo libe namafomu amaningi afana nokugoba kukathayela okuqondisa kabili, ukugoba okukhiyiwe, ukugoba okuhlukanisa amagagasi aqondiswa kabili, ukugoba okuphezulu okuyisicaba, nokugoba kukathayela okungahambisani nendawo yonke, futhi isakhiwo siqinile.
Ukucaciswa nosayizi bemeshi yesikrini esidlidlizayo bayahlukahluka, ngokuyinhloko kuya ngezici zesayizi yezinhlayiyana kanye nezidingo zenqubo zezinto ezihloliwe. Okulandelayo ezinye izicaciso ezijwayelekile zemeshi yesikrini esidlidlizayo nolwazi oluhlobene:
1. Comparison of sieve hole size and mesh number
Izicaciso zemeshi yesikrini esidlidlizayo ngokuvamile zichazwa ngosayizi wemeshi nenombolo yemeshi. Inombolo yemeshi ibhekisela enanini lezimbobo zemeshi iyintshi ngayinye (25.4mm) ngobude, kuyilapho usayizi wemeshi ubonisa ngokuqondile usayizi wangempela wemeshi. Okulandelayo okunye ukuxhumana okuvamile phakathi kosayizi bemeshi nezinombolo zemeshi:
Usayizi wesikrini(mm) | Imeshi ejwayelekile |
4.75 | 4 Imeshi |
4.00 | 5 Imeshi |
3.35 | 6 Imeshi |
2.80 | 7 Imeshi |
2.36 | 8 Imeshi |
2.00 | 10 Imeshi |
1.70 | 12 Imeshi |
1.40 | 14 Imeshi |
1.18 | 16 Imeshi |
1.00 | 18 Imeshi |
0.850 | 20 Imeshi |
0.710 | 25 Imeshi |
0.600 | 30 Imeshi |
0.500 | 35 Imeshi |
0.425 | 40 Imeshi |
0.355 | 45 Imeshi |
0.300 | 50 Imeshi |
0.250 | 60 Imeshi |
0.212 | 70 Imeshi |
0.180 | 80 Imeshi |
0.150 | 100 Imeshi |
0.125 | 120 Imeshi |
0.106 | 140 Imeshi |
0.090 | 170 Imeshi |
0.0750 | 200 Imeshi |
0.0630 | 230 Imeshi |
0.0530 | 270 Imeshi |
0.0450 | 325 Imeshi |
0.0380 | 400 Imeshi |
Sicela uqaphele ukuthi osayizi bezimbobo zesisefo kanye nosayizi bemeshi kuthebula elingenhla yizici ezivamile kuphela futhi ingeyereferensi kuphela. Kungase kube nokunye ukucaciswa okuqondile kwezisefo ekukhiqizeni kwangempela.
2. Isimo sesikrini nosayizi
The vibrating screen mesh is generally square or rectangular, and its size specifications include two dimensions: length and width. Common mesh sizes include 2mm, 3mm, 5mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, etc., but these dimensions usually refer to the diameter or side length of the mesh, not the overall size of the mesh. The overall size of the mesh (i.e., length and width) is determined according to the specific equipment model and production requirements.
3. Izinto zesikrini kanye nohlobo
Izinto kanye nohlobo lwemeshi yesikrini esidlidlizayo nakho kuyizinto ezibalulekile ezithinta ukucaciswa nobukhulu baso. Izinto zesikrini ezivamile zihlanganisa izikrini zensimbi (njengezikrini zensimbi engagqwali, izikrini ze-phosphor bronze, njll.) nezikrini ezingezona ezensimbi (njengezikrini ze-polymer, izikrini ze-ceramic, njll.). Ngaphezu kwalokho, kunezikrini eziyinhlanganisela ezenziwe ngezinto ezimbili noma ngaphezulu. Izinhlobo ezihlukene zezikrini zinokungezwani okuhlukile kokugqokwa, amandla aqinile nokumelana nokugqwala, futhi zifanele izimo zokusebenza ezihlukene nezinto zokwakha.
Kafushane, ukucaciswa nobukhulu bemeshi yesikrini esidlidlizayo kuyahlukahluka, futhi ukukhetha okukhethekile kufanele kunqunywe ngokuya nezici zosayizi wezinhlayiyana kanye nezidingo zenqubo zezinto ezihloliwe. Ngesikhathi esifanayo, impahla kanye nohlobo lwesikrini nakho kuyizinto ezibalulekile okufanele uzicabangele lapho ukhetha.